SPIES HECKER 2035 raderal IR premium putty

45,59 €
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Raderal IR Premium Putty 2035 is a general purpose material in a two component polyester system. Putty 2035 is suitable for repairing damaged steel, galvanized, aluminum and fiberglass coatings. Due to the high plasticity of 2035, it is effective to use for finishing work when repairing parts pre-treated with fiberglass fillers. Putty 2035 dries quickly, is easy to sand and has high stability on vertical planes. 2035 has a significantly higher resistance to infrared drying.

Spies Hecker glaistas 2035 universalus 2kg
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Technical data

BrandSpies Hecker
Putty grain fractionMedium
Drying time20-30 min. at +20°C
Sanding abbilityEasy
Сonsistency of the productMedium fluidity
Easy applieble several timesYes
SurfacesVarious metals